Flowers of love

Reading the BBC News website, I came across this article. Apparently, women are having surgery to try and attain the perfect vagina! (I once worked for a boss who was the quintessential c*nt, but I don’t think that’s quite the same). The procedure entails the reduction of the size of the Labia (beef curtains or piss flaps to all you Liverpool supporters out there… I am assuming too much here about them being able to read aren’t I?) so.. where was I? oh yea... they're having surgey on the old labias they don’t protrude outside the vagina; it’s called Labioplasty for those who want to look it up. Now I suspect that they didn’t actually ask men what they considered the most attractive feature of a vagina was because I can almost hear a unanimous chorus of “AVAILABILITY!!! GIASI, AVAILABILITY!!!”. However, I am asking about tangible physical aspects. Now men are not that fussy about aesthetics. I mean look at what we sometimes wear. So when it comes to the physical criteria (now that you’ve found one that’s available) I would consider odour and size as probably high on the list. I can’t imagine some bloke on eagerly removing a woman’s underwear reeling back in sheer terror at the sight of a bit of badly packed kebab. Here in Abu Dhabi, men would still chase a vagina that had teeth and was covered with thick Amazonian undergrowth complete with green mist and Howler Monkeys.

When you compare it to the odd soft dangly collection of objects that men have, I think women should consider themselves lucky. A man’s wedding tackle looks more like the last turkey in the shop,  an afterthought. As if when man was being created some angels said, “Hey God, we still have a load of elbow skin left over, what you want us to do with it?” to which God replies, “make it into little bags and find something to put in it, well sew it on somewhere later”

1 comment:

Rania said...

grrrrrrr, painfully interesting!